Meeting with the chairman of the board of directors, md, professor T.Rakhypbekov

The life of a medical student is full not only of books, classes, exams, but also there is time to study new, intellectual and innovative things. Thus, “the Ospanov Start up School” team, created in March 2024, brought together students of innovators whose ideas will work to improve human health, create comfortable conditions for patients, develop web platforms for teaching students, protect nature and its resources, reduce the burden on the environment and much more.

Today, the school met with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NAO ZKMU. M.Ospanova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, PhD (Japan), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, WHO expert Tolebai Kosiyabekovich Rakhypbekov. The startups presented their projects and received very effective feedback.

The professor gave a good assessment of the ideas and shared valuable recommendations for their promotion. Gulnaz School Coordinator Shildebayeva Gulnaz continues to organize training for teams on the formation of business ideas, their phased promotion under the supervision of Aktobe hub trackers..