Medical students get acquainted with the un sustainable development goals

The University supports the UN agenda aimed at solving the most pressing global problems, covering the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are globally accepted goals aimed at eliminating poverty and destitution, combating inequality and injustice, as well as protecting the planet and ensuring peace and prosperity for the entire population.

Taking into account these issues, in implementing SDG 16, «Peace, Justice, Effective Institutes», specifically subparagraph 16.6 «Establish effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels» on April 30, in groups 103-104 of the specialty medicine, a teacher of the Department of Languages Aigerim Darimova held an educational hour on the topic “Peace and a just society” in an online format with the participation of teachers of the department A.Kanlybayeva, G.Mirmanova, K.Zhilisbayeva, A.Aralbai. The purpose of the educational hour is to reveal the meaning of the value of a just society and to give an idea of peace and harmony in society.

In order to reveal the mentioned topic during the event, students defended the presentation, revealing the concepts that there is a task of understanding peace and justice, linking them with the value of right actions, developing a sense of responsibility and honesty. To further reveal the topic, various games were organized, students divided into groups and actively participated in them.

At the end of the event, the participants expressed their opinions on the topic through a video clip.