Interethnic consent — guarantee of stability of the state

In the walls of K. Zhubanov ARU a round table on the theme «Interethnic harmony – a guarantee of stability of the state» was held on the occasion of the XXXІІІ session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan «Unity. Creation. Progress». The purpose of the event —ideological education of youth, the creation of new platforms for interethnic communication, promotion of socially significant projects, ethno-mediation.

The round table was moderated by the head of the Department of ANC and socio-political disciplines, candidate of philosophical sciences U. Sarsembin with the participation of representatives of ethno-cultural associations, scientific, creative intelligentsia, media and faculty of the university.

The report was made by candidate of philosophical sciences Matsyuk D.A., candidate of political sciences Kenesov A.A. Also the speaker at the event was a senior lecturer of the department of ‘Social and Humanitarian Disciplines’, Master of Humanities Kumyspaev Samat, who focused attention on the fact that the diversity of ethnicities, faiths, civilisations and cultures – a unique source of further growth and stability, opportunities for sustainable development of the country.

At the end of the roundtable event, the speakers noted the significant transformation of the ANC, highly appreciated the role and vast experience of the Assembly in organising timely assistance during floods.