Successfully passed the accreditation

On May 31, 2024, at a meeting (minutes №84) of the Accreditation Council of the NU «Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency», a decision was made on international specialized accreditation of undergraduate educational programs of the NJSC «West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov» for a period of 5 years:

6B10109 «Medicine» (continuous integrated medical education)

6B10110 «Dentistry» (continuous integrated medical education)

6B10111 «Pediatrics» (continuous integrated medical education)

6B10112 «Рreventive medicine» (continuous integrated medical education).

We congratulate the deans of faculties, responsible persons of accredited undergraduate educational programs and the university staff on the successful completion of international specialized accreditation of educational programs and wish further success in improving the quality of educational and scientific activities!