Holiday Rewards

In honor of the professional holiday of medical workers, a number of university employees received festive awards.

Inparticular, the medal “Enbek ardageri” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2people. Badge of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Densaulyk aktau isinin uzdigi”-4people. The badge “Densaulyk aktau isiine koskan ulesi ushin”-6people. Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan-4people. A letter of thanks from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan-6 people.

A letter of thanks from the akim of the region-5people.  Badge “Pride of the University”-1person. Badge “For conscientious work”-4people. Certificate of honor-9people. Thank you letter-8people. The winners of the contest “Curator of the Year-2024” are 4people. Jubilee gold medal “Avicenna” of Aktobe public Association of trade unions of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Qamqor”-4people. The badge “The bestemployee” of the Association of Emergency Medical Services of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2people.

Medal “Densaudyk Aktau salasyndagi yeren enbegi ushin” of the Association of Medical Workers, independent experts and veterans of healthcare “Sharapat”-1 people. The winners of the summer Spartakiad are 3 teams.

Congratulations to our colleagues on the awards and wish them further success in their work!