The release of the second issue of the west kazakhstan medical journal

We announce the release of the second issue of the 66 th volume of the West Kazakhstan Medical Journal (WKMJ)!

WKMJ is the official peer-reviewed open — access journal of the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University. Our journal publishes four issues per year, and the new issue promises to be rich in fascinating topics and cutting-edge research. We also remind you that our journal is included in the List of publications recommended by the CQAFSHE (KOKSNVO) and the publication of articles is free.

Here are some of the topics covered in the new issue:

  1. “The Importance of Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cell Therapy for Cancer”
  2. “Evaluating the Therapeutic Potential of Datura stramonium and Datura inoxia: A Mini Review”
  3. “The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Dentistry: A Review”
  4. “Recombinant Protein Expression Optimizing: A Review of S/MAR, STAR, and UCOE, as a Chromatin-Modifying Element”
  5. “Some Serologic Biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis Activity: A Narrative Review”
  6. “Unveiling the Healing Potential of Avicennia marina: A Mini Review on its Medicinal Marvels”
  7. “Cluster-Based Diagnostic for Diabetes, Insights from Europe and Asia”
  8. “Demographic Features of Ulcerative Gastroduodenal Bleeding”
  9. “Is Botox an Alternative to Surgery for Anal Fissure?”
  10. “Diagnosing Pneumonia in Real Time: Rapid Diagnostic Tests as Game-Changers in Management Strategies”

The link to the second issue