Open day

Amonthofprevention of tumors of bonesandsofttissues of sarcomas is taking place in the country.Aspart of the month, an openDayonsarcomaprevention was held at theMedicalCentertoday.

Sarcomais a cancerthatarisesfromvarioustypes of tissues(nerves,muscles,bones,fat,etc.).Theyoftengrowrapidly,oftenrecurand are characterized by distantmetastases.Sarcomascanappearonanypart of the body.There are twomaintypes:softtissuesarcomaandbonesarcoma. The firstsymptomsareoftenswollenwithoutpainandrapidlyincreaseinvolume.

The residentswhocame to theOpenDay were received by an oncologistandconsulted.

— For 6 months of this year, 912 people have been registered with oncological diseases. Of these, 23 percent are stage 1 patients, 11 percent are stage 4 patients,” said Olzhas Orazaev, coordinator of the oncology service at the Medical Center.