The first seminar of the magazine «WEST KAZAKHSTAN MEDICAL JOURNAL»

According to the plan of trainingseminars of the WestKazakhstanMedicalJournal, the firstseminaron the topic “Writing a scientificarticle/systematicreviewandmeta-analysis”washeld. The lecturer of the seminarwas the head of the Department of TherapeuticandOrthopedicDentistryM.Kurmanalina.

The five-day workshopcoveredimportantaspects of researchwork,rangingfromfinding the necessaryliteraturetomasteringcomplextoolsforsystematic data analysisandprocessing. The participants of the seminar were able to deepentheirknowledgeofconducting a literaturesearchin the databasesScopus,PubMed,WebofScience,improved the methodology of using the programsSRDR+,RevManand the manager of literarysourcesZotero.

The seminar was attended by doctoral students and teaching staff, who will soon receive certificates of participation.