A memorial plaque in honor of the doctor has been unveiled

Thesolemnopening of a memorialplaqueinhonor of the founder of the AktobeRegionalCancerCenter, the firstchiefphysician,famousoncosurgeon,deputy of the SupremeCouncilIbrahim Kalpenov took place at the MedicalCenter.Theevent was attended by doctors,colleagues,andpeoplewhoknew Kalpenov himself.

IbrahimSeitmagambetovich was bornin1942inShalkar. He is a graduate of AktobeStateMedicalInstitute.

He began his career as the head of the surgicaldepartment of the hospitalin the village of Akzhar, Khromtaudistrict(previouslycalledNovorossiya).In1967-1970 he studiedat the residency of the KazakhResearchInstitute of OncologyandRadiology.In1970-1973, he worked as a flightsurgeonin the department of air ambulance of the regionalhospital,providedmedicalcare to the population of remotesettlements of the region.In1973, he was appointedchiefphysician of the AktobeRegionalOncologicalDispensary, and in1992, director of the interregionalscientific and practicalassociation.Atthattime, the firstgroups of doctorswerecreatedamong the institutionsfor the treatment of oncologicaldiseasesin the republic,whovisitedalldistricts of the region in order to preventoncologicaldiseases,providedassistance,carried out preventivework, and gave lectures.

InJanuary1974, the firstofficeinKazakhstanequippedwith a fibrogastroscopic deviceforexamination of the esophagusandstomach was putintooperationin the region.Inthoseyears, the number of bedsin the dispensaryincreased, a computerendoscopicdepartmentwasopened,complexoperations were performed on the lungs,stomach,esophagus, and methods of treatingskintumors with liquidnitrogen were introduced.Ibrahim Seitmagambetovich wasat the head of theseworks.Withhisefforts, computedtomographyandangiographywereinstalledandusedinAktobehospitals for thefirst time.

IbrahimKalpenovis the author of more than 20scientificpapers,sponsorandco — author of the scientific and practicalcollection”Environmentalproblems of malignanttumors”.

At the grand opening, colleagues and classmates and others with whom he collaborated remembered Ibrahim Seitmagambetovich with trepidation, especially noted his merits, invaluable contribution to the dynamic development of the medical field, and expressed gratitude to the citizens who provided great support in installing the board.