The goal is the formation of pedagogical competence

«Formation of pedagogical competence of teachers of medical educational institutions”. Under this name, a seminar for the teaching staff is being held in the Akkagaz Doszhanova Conference Hall. The speaker is the Executive Director of the Association of Academic Activity of Serbia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Bibigul Vasic.

During the week-long seminar, participants will discuss issues such as the scientific foundations of competencies, a modern approach to research, leadership qualities, and social culture. Within the framework of the event, round tables will be organized and held with students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the university, where the problems of modern research will be discussed.

At the end of the seminar, participants will be awarded special certificates of international standard.

It should be noted that this event was previously held in European countries, and it is being held at our university for the first time.