October 10 — World Mental Health Day

The republican methodological seminar “Innovative opportunities for intensive growth of the well-being of young people studying at a modern university” was held at the Department of Psychology. This event was the final in a series dedicated to the Day of Mental Health, and was held within the framework of the scientific project IRN AP 19678139 “Assessment of socio-psychological opportunities for intensive growth of well-being of young people studying in Western Kazakhstan.”

The discussion of youth welfare issues was attended by teachers B.Moldin, R.Kanapina, A.Miraleeva, M.Knisarina, as well as K.Kuanzhanova from the ARU named after K.Zhubanov and a lecturer at the International College of Arts and Communications in Moscow S.Teneriadnovа.

Acting Rector Nadiyar Musin addressed the participants with a congratulatory word and noted the importance of the event for students.

In conclusion, diplomas were awarded to the laureates of the international competition for the design of postcards on the topic “Psychological well-being of a student in the XXI century”. 92 students from 6 regions of Kazakhstan and Russia participated in the competition.

The independent jury awarded the Grand Prix to the student of the M.Utemisov ZKU K.Sabirova, diplomas of the 1st degree – G.Zharylgas (ZKMU named after M.Ospanov) and B.Smail (YUKMA), 2nd degrees – D.Galymzhanova, M.Zhumabai, N.Ukubaeva (ZKMU named after M.Ospanov), 3-degrees — K.Ergalieva, D.Sagyndykova (ZKMU named after M.Ospanov), M.Tolegenova (Turan University), E.Avanesyan, A.Kabaloeva and A.Tarasova (Moscow).