The goal is cancer prevention

An open Day dedicated to the prevention and early detection of breast cancer was held at the University Medical Center. On the Open Day, which took place within the framework of the month “Pink October”, the residents of the city were advised by an oncologist and gave recommendations. Mammography and ultrasound examinations were also performed according to indications.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women. The main sign of the disease is the appearance of one or more tumors in the breast tissue. Early diagnosis at the initial stage of the disease is of great importance.

— On the Open Day, 76 women received counseling, and 35 women underwent ultrasound and mammography examinations. Mastopathy was detected in 29 women. This is a breast disease associated with abnormal tissue growth.

According to the results of 9 months of this year, the incidence of malignant neoplasms amounted to 1,370 cases. Of these, 350 patients of stage I, 544 of stage II, 309 of stage III and 97 of stage IV. Compared to the same period last year, the incidence decreased by 5.4%.

The introduction of new technologies, the improvement of the material and technical base of the center and the improvement of the professional qualifications of doctors have a positive effect on the effectiveness of patient treatment,” — said Olzhas Orazaev, coordinator of the oncological service of the medical center.