Lecture together

Senior teacher of the department of natural sciences A.T.Satybaeva together with the head of the department of histology, candidate of medical sciences Zh.E. Komekbay held an integrated lecture on the topic ” Жасушалық цикл және оның ретелеунің молекулалық механизмдері ” of the discipline “Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics” for the 1st year students of general medicine faculty (101 A,B-104 A,B groups).

The lecture was held in order to form the students’ ideas about the cell cycle. The clinical significance of this process in oncogenesis and normal functioning of body cells was indicated. Histological preparations with various stages of mitosis have been demonstrated.

A feature of the lecture is the disclosure of the topic at the junction of the two sciences “Molecular Biology” and “Histology”, which are part of the base of compulsory medical knowledge. Expert of Center for Continuous Professional Development, associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bashbaeva M.A and head of the department, who attended the lecture, gave a positive assessment to the lecture. To consolidate the material, timely feedback was given.