Academic mobility of Teaching staff during the 1st semester of 2018-2019 academic year within the framework of KPI implementation

1. Arystan Mamyrbayev – MD, Professor of the department of hygienic disciplines with professional diseases visited The Orenburg State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 01.10.2018 to 03.10.2018. Arystan Mamyrbayev held the lecture for the 5th course year students about the occupational health: 1. Basics of industrial toxicology. 2. Comprehensive assessment of the health status of workers. 3. Preliminary and periodic medical examinations. 4. Morbidity at work.
2. Klara Darazhanova – Docent of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery visited I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 15.10.2018 to 20.10.2018. Klara Darazhanova held lectures and practical lessons for the 3 course year students of the medical care faculty « The anterolateral wall of the abdomen ». «Topography of the upper limb». «Topography of the lower limb». «Thoracic cage». «Thoracic cavity». «Topography of the urinary system». Also, Klara Darazhanova participated in the Interuniversity scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students “Innovations in the field of medical science and education” with a report on the topic: “experience of lectures. Lecture together” with the issuance of the certificate.
3. Mairash Sabitbekova – senior teacher of the language course (Department of Kazakh language) visited Astana Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 20.10.2018 to 28.10.2018. Mairash Sabitbekova held practical lessons for the Russian group in Kazakh language, and she held a round table with the students, worked on the free expression of thoughts in the state language (work with paintings, with a dictionary).
4. Nagashybai Akatayev – candidate of medical sciences of the Department of surgical disciplines №1 visited Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 22.10.2018 to 27.10.201. Nagashybai Akatayev held lectures and pracrical lessons for students on the following themes: Abdominal injury. Chest injury. Minimally invasive surgery. Acute pancreatitis. Also, Nagashybai Akatayev conducted a seminar for colleagues of the cities of Kentau, Turkestan. The certificate confirming high qualification of the doctor-surgeon is submitted.
5. Mukhtar Saduov – Candidate of medical sciences, Head of the Department of Emergency Medical Care visited Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 22.10.2018 to 27.10.201. Mukhtar Saduov held lectures and practical lessons for students on the following themes: The algorithm of diagnosis and emergency care for bleeding. The algorithm of diagnosis and emergency care in the syndrome of “acute abdomen”. The algorithm of diagnostics and rendering of emergency aid in case of poisoning and bites. Strangulated hernia – a practical exercise. A certificate confirming the high qualification of Mukhtar Saduov is presented.
6. Galina Chukanova – Candidate of medical sciences, Docent of the Pharmacology Department visited Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.Razumovsky within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 06.11.2018 to 09.11.2018. Galina Chukanova held lectures and practical lessons the 3rd course year students of the Medical care faculty, using the method of objectively structured practical skill on the topic “Psychotropic drugs”.
7. Aisulu Zholmurzayeva – Candidate of medical sciences of the Pharmacology Department visited Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.Razumovsky within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 06.11.2018 to 09.11.2018. Aisulu Zholmurzayeva held lectures and practical lessons the 3rd course year students of the Medical care faculty, using the method of objectively structured practical skill on the topic “Psychotropic drugs”.
8. Aiman Kaldybayeva – Candidate of medical sciences, Docent and Head of the Department of Normal Physiology visited Bashkir State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 14.11.2018 to 17.11.2018. Aiman Kaldybayeva held lectures on the first stream of the pediatric faculty on the topic: “Regulation of the activities of the heart”, and conducted practical lessons training on innovative technology TBL “Laws of hemodynamics” in 206B, ” the Principle of interaction of reflexes. Inhibition in the Central nervous system ” in 204b groups of medical and pediatric faculty. A certificate is provided.
9. Farida Balmaganbetova – Candidate of medical sciences of the Department of Normal Physiology visited Bashkir State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 14.11.2018 to 17.11.2018. Farida Balmaganbetova held lectures on the first stream of the pediatric faculty on the topic: “Regulation of the activities of the heart”, and conducted practical lessons training on innovative technology TBL “Laws of hemodynamics” in 206B, ” the Principle of interaction of reflexes. Inhibition in the Central nervous system ” in 204b groups of medical and pediatric faculty. A certificate is provided.
10. Oleg Kurmangaliyev – MD, Professor of the Department of Surgical diseases №2 visited I.K.Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 01.12.2018 to 07.12.2018. Oleg Kurmangaliyev held two courses lectures for the 4th course year students of Medical care faculty on the theme: “Damage to the urinary and male reproductive system”, for clinical residents: “Ultrasound in urology and andrology”. The audience listened with interest to the lectures, accompanied by interactive contact with the audience, asked many questions. It is gratifying that the lecture on ultrasound studies was attended by doctors-residents of the Department of andrology and urolithiasis, doctors of the Department of ultrasound diagnostics. The latter were interested in the possibilities of modern ULTRASOUND scanners in the diagnosis of diseases of the external genitals of men. A certificate of a business trip to this University and a certificate are submitted.
11. Aibek Sisenaliyev – Assistant of the Department of Surgical and Children’s Stomatology visited I.K.Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 01.12.2018 to 07.12.2018. Aibek Sisenaliyev conducted practical lessons using the method TBL “Methods of carrying out intraoral and methods of local pain during dental procedures. Indications, contraindications, errors and complications”. “The operation is the removal of a tooth in the upper jaw. Indications and contraindications. Tooling. Treatment and care of the wound after tooth extraction. Stages of hole healing”. A certificate of a business trip to this University and a certificate are submitted.
12. Nazgul Seitmaganbetova – Docent of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Clinical Pharmacology visited Orenburg State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 05.12.2018 to 07.12.2018. Nazgul Seitmaganbetova took part in the international round table “Breakthrough technologies in medicine” organized in the framework of the 8th international forum “Orenburg region – the heart of Eurasia”. A certificate of a business trip to this University and a certificate are submitted.
13. Aigul Romankulova – Docent of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Visited Orenburg State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 05.12.2018 to 07.12.2018. Aigul Romankulova took part in the international round table “Breakthrough technologies in medicine” organized in the framework of the 8th international forum “Orenburg region – the heart of Eurasia”. A certificate of a business trip to this University and a certificate are submitted.
14. Lyazzat Syrlybayeva – senior teacher of the Department of Natural Science Disciplines Course of Molecular biology and medical genetics visited Orenburg State Medical University within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility on the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between the universities. In the period from 05.12.2018 to 07.12.2018. Lyazzat Syrlybayeva took part in the international round table “Breakthrough technologies in medicine” organized in the framework of the 8th international forum “Orenburg region – the heart of Eurasia”. A certificate of a business trip to this University and a certificate are submitted.