Advances of clinical trials
As part of the program, visiting professor B.A. Bakirov (Bashkir ...
WKMU graduates’ meeting with employers
West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University is talent foundry not ...
Prospects for cooperation
Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2 of ...
Discussion about elimination the corruption and embezzlement of public funds
Yrza Tursynzad, the head of the republican outreach staff at ...
Physical education in Russia and Kazakhstan at the present stage
A joint scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: “Modern ...
Зверев оқулары
Жыл сайын Ресейдің Екатеринбург қаласында Орал өңірінде балалар хирургиясының негізін ...
“Leave a mark on history” action
Owing to “Leave a mark on history” action some unique ...
Laboratory Diagnostic Training
Training on the topic “Laboratory diagnostics in oncology. Laboratory diagnosis ...