Documents Rysmakhanov Myltykbay Saginbekovich for the degree of doctor PhD
The Dissertation Council on the specialty 6D110100 – 8D10102 “Medicine” at the Non-commercial joint-stock company “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces defense of the dissertation thesis for the Ph.D. degree by Rysmakhanov Myltykbay Saginbekovich on the topic: “Improvement of intraoperative methods for the prevention of ischemic-reperfusion injury of the renal graft (experimental and clinical study)” in Educational program 8D10102 “Medicine”.
The dissertation work has been performed at the Department of Surgical Diseases №2 with urology of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University.
Form of defense – dissertation work.
Language of the thesis presentation is Russian.
Scientific Advisers:
- Zhakiyev Bazylbek Sagidollievich – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases №2 with urology, Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Kuttymuratov Gany Muratovich – PhD, transplan-surgeon of CP “University Medical Center” of Nazarbayev University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Mehmet Haberal – MD, Professor, Founder President of Başkent University, President of the Executive Supreme Board of Başkent University, Chair of Başkent University Division of Transplantation and Burns, Ankara, Republic of Turkey.
Official reviewers:
- Chormanov Almat Tursunzhanovich – MD, PhD, Director of the Karasai Clinical Multidisciplinary Central District Hospital, Almaty region, Karasaay, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Sultanov Pulat Karimovich – Doctor of Medical Science, Head of the Department of Excellence and International Cooperation of the “Center for the development of professional qualifications of medical workers”, Chief Transplant Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:
- Sultanaliyev Tokan Anarbekovich – MD, Professor, Chief Surgeon, advisor to the Chairman of the Board of JSC “National Scientific Center of Oncology and Transplantology”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Baimakhanov Zhassulan Bolatbekovich – Master’s degree in Public Health, PhD, Director of the Multidisciplinary regional hospital of the Department of Health of the Kyzylorda region, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Doskhanov Maksat Onalbaevich – MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation JSC “National Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.N. Syzganov”, аssistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases №2 of the School «General Medicine» Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The defense will take place on December 4, 2024, at 12:00 at the Dissertation Council in the specialty 6D110100 – 8D10102 “Medicine” at the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, at the address: 030019, Aktobe, st. Maresyeva, 68, conference hall.
The address of the Dissertation Council website, where the text of the announcement and application is posted:
Link to participate in the meeting of the Dissertation Council in online (online) mode (Conference ID: 399 517 2182 and access code: 920868)
Scientific Secretary: Aitbaeva Aliya Matzhanovna, (cell phone) +7 702 721 11 82; e-mail:;