«KazMSA» organization – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

«KazMSA» organization

Head: Zhumanova Dina Erlanovna

Contact phone number: +77057745999

Purpose: KazMSA is a non-profit organization in the form of a public organization with a Republican status, created by medical students in order to realize and protect the interests of medical students.

Combining the efforts, intellectual, creative and business potential of the Association of medical students of our university, ensuring the social, cultural, scientific and educational development of medical and pharmacy students, promoting a healthy lifestyle through programs, projects and other opportunities, initiating students ‘ participation in solving pressing problems in the world of Medicine and preventing their occurrence. KazMSA is a member of the International Organization IFMSA.

The International Federation of medical student associations (IFMSA) is a non – political and non-profit organization recognized as one of the oldest and largest student organizations in the world. IFMSA was founded in 1951 after the end of World War II as a platform for unity, solidarity and peace among medical students.

Ifmsa has broad representation – 138 member organizations (NMO) from 130 countries on all continents and works closely with several non-governmental organizations from all over the world. IFMSA has special advisory status at the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Medical Organization and is recognized as a representative of medical students around the world.

The basis of the organization’s activities are standing committees in 6 areas:

 – Medical education;

 – Public health;

 – Protection of human rights and peace;

 – Reproductive health, including HIV and AIDS;

 – Professional (practical) exchange;

 – Research exchange.

 Professional and research exchanges take place in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Indonesia, Russia, etc.