IAAR Rating – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

IAAR Rating


The independent rating of the demand for universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the most reliable, objective and time-tested ratings in Kazakhstan. The rating of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), conducted since 2014, has become a popular and important event for higher educational institutions in the country.

IAAR has created its own methodology for assessing higher education institutions, which has been audited, approved by IREG (Observatiry on Academik Ranking and Excellence) and received the high Quality Mark “IREG Approved.” The digital ranking platform is based on four main criteria for monitoring each educational program and allows universities to independently enter data which demonstrates the transparency and objectivity of the assessment. Important indicators when conducting rankings are: the qualitative composition of the teaching staff and the level of attracting talented students, research potential, academic mobility of students and teaching staff, employment and demand for graduates.

Monitoring of the independent rating of demand for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2024 showed that in the field of “Healthcare and Social Security” (medicine) the leading position is occupied by Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, showing the following results:

  1. In the institutional ranking of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of “Healthcare and Social Security (Medicine)” educational programs: