Department of scientific and analytical work – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department of scientific and analytical work

The purpose of the department is to analyze the scientific information of the University, to assist the University staff in promoting their scientific results and publishing activities.

The task of DSAW is to coordinate the work on the organization of information and analytical support for the scientific activities of the University to participate in competitions and perform work on grant funding of scientific projects of the University and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It has become traditional to hold an intra-university competition for scientific projects. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate and support the research activities of the staff of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU. University grants are intended to finance the scientific activities of individual teachers, staff and small scientific grants for the development of various scientific and applied problems in the main areas of scientific activity of the university.

The main functions and areas of work of the department:

– preparation of reports and analysis of information on the entire range of research and scientific and organizational activities of the Institute;

– quality control and compliance of the Institute’s research products with current standards

– monitoring the reflection of the publication activity of employees in various databases, including international ones;

– search and systematization of information about competitions, grants, projects; collection

The department employs highly qualified specialists with extensive work experience — m.b.s., head of the department Sarieva Akboken Asylbekkyzy, m.с.s., senior researcher Abdirzak Kamshat Boranbaevna — a.d., m.b.s., senior researcher Tautanova Aidana Kurmanbaykyzy, m.b.s., researcher Kushekbayeva Aya Berikovna, junior researcher Kabyl Arinaz Kabylkyzy, junior researcher Nauruzbekova Zhanar Kanatovna — acting junior researcher Almysheva Tanzilya Asylbekovna.

Sarieva Akboken Asylbekkyzy

head of the department of scientific and analytical work, Master of Biological Sciences

Tazhgarina Kamshat Boranbayevna

senior researcher of the department of scientific and analytical work, Master of Chemical Sciences

Tautanova Aidana Kurmanbaykyzy

Researcher of the Department of Scientific and Analytical Work, Master of Biological Sciences

Nauruzbekova Zhanar Kanatovna

Junior Researcher, Department of Scientific and Analytical Work, Master of Environmental Sciences

Kushekbaeva Aiya Berikovna

m.b.s., researcher

Almysheva Tanzilya Asylbekovna

 acting junior researcher

Kabyl Arinaz Kabylovna

 acting junior researcher


030000, Aktobe

66 Maresyev str., First building, 1st floor, 104 — room.

Phone: 8 (7132) 55 18 08


Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 (lunch 13.00-14.00)

Sarieva Akboken Asylbekovna – 8 (701)194-90-19

Abdrzak Kamshat Boranbaevna – 8 (747)357-99-59

Tautanova Aidana Kurmanbaikyzy – 8 (775) 332-02-93

Kushekbaeva Aiya Berikovna – 8 (702) 106-21-74

Kabyl Arinaz Kabylovna – 8 (705) 537-71-91

Nauruzbekova Zhanar Kanatovna – 8 (708)212-28-38

Almysheva Tanzilya Asylbekovna – 8 (705) 537-15-79