Educational and methodical department – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Educational and methodical department

The educational and methodological department is a structural unit of the Department of Academic Work. The purpose of the educational and methodological department is the organization, general planning and methodological support of the educational process in accordance with the requirements in accordance with state requirements for the conditions and quality of the educational process at the university.

The main tasks of the educational and methodological department are: planning the educational process; accounting of the students number; development of working curricula, academic calendars taking into account the requirements of state compulsory education standards and standard curricula; development of calculation of the volume of teaching load of teaching staff of the University departments; methodological support of the educational process.

The head of the educational and methodological department is Mardanova Zhanar Edilovna.

Methodists: Karzhaubaeva Gulzira Nurakhmetovna, Kamyspaeva Aizhan Omarovna, Korganbekova Kuralay Kuandykovna, Kamalbek Aruzhan Talgatkyzy

Specialists: Iztleuova Darazha Zholamanovna, Rambai Aidana Zhenisovna, Isa Hansha Tolegenovna


Contact details:


68 Maresyev street, main building, offices 401, 403, 406, 407, 408

Tel. 56-33-34
