5В130100 – «General Medicine» – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

5В130100 – «General Medicine»

The mission of the educational program

Name of the educational program

The mission


«General Medicine»

Meeting the needs of university interns in deepening education after graduation, as well as creating favorable conditions for the training of a qualified specialist to work in medical and preventive institutions

Passport of the educational program

Тhe purpose of the educational program

Training of a qualified doctor with a system of professional competencies capable and ready for independent professional activity. In order for the intern to be ready for independent medical activity, it is necessary to deepen the acquired theoretical knowledge, acquire theoretical, practical skills of high quality and volume.


Timely, high-quality organization of the educational process aimed at implementing the program of clinical professional education and improving the practical training of graduates, improving their professional level and their degree of readiness for independent medical activity

Degree/qualification awarded

The doctor of general practice

Тhe developer of the program

Abilov T.S., Kurmangalieva S.S., Rakhmanov S.B., Bobyreva М.М., Almagambetova А.S., Bayzullina А.О., Izbasarov B.О.

Рut into effect


List of specialist positions

The doctor

The field of professional activity


Provision of medical care to the population, оrganization of һealth сare, оrganization of һealth management, organization of education, science, social protection

Functions and types of professional activity

— therapeutic, preventive and diagnostic;

— organizational and managerial;

— scientific research;

— pedagogical.