Task group – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Task group

Problem commission provision

The plan of the problem commission

The order of the problem commission on the specialties “Medicine”, “Public health, preventive medicine and Nursing”

From the 2020-2021 academic year, a Joint Problem Commission has been created at the university, chaired by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.E. Nurgalieva. The commission includes: S.S. Saparbayev – Vice-rector for strategic development, science and international cooperation, member of the Board; Musin N.M. – Vice-rector for clinical work, member of the Board; Grzhibovsky A.M. – freelance expert; Izdenov A.K. – Dean of the International Faculty; Mamyrbaev A.A. – Professor of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines with Occupational Diseases; Zholdin B.K. – Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2; Baspakova A.M. – Head of the Department for Scientific Work; G.K. Koshmaganbetova – Head of the department of magistracy and doctoral studies; Smagulova G.A. – Head of the Department of Pharmacology; Sakhanova S.K. – Head of the Scientific and Practical Center; Zhumalina A.Zh. – Head of the Department of Children’s Diseases with Neonatology No. 1; Zholdasova N.Zh. – Head of the Department of Therapeutic and Prosthetic Dentistry; Nurgalieva R.E. – Head of the Department of Postgraduate Education; Abenova N.A. – Head of the Department of GP # 1; Shumbalov N.M. – Professor of the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Center; Ayaganov D.N. – Head of the Department of Neurology with a course in Psychiatry and Narcology; Balmagambetova S.K. – Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology.

The Joint Problem Commission works in accordance with the Regulations on the Problem Commission, which reflects the main areas of activity, tasks and functions of the Problem Commission, as well as the structure and organization of the PC, the rights and responsibilities of the Problem Commission, the procedure for approving and changing the regulations on the PC and the operating procedure.

The main areas of activity of the Joint Problem Commission are the approval of topics for dissertations of undergraduates and doctoral students, as well as scientific advisers and scientific consultants, approbation of doctoral and undergraduate students’ dissertations, approval of reports of undergraduates and doctoral students on research practice, discussion of planned topics of scientific research of applicants for doctoral studies, competitive selection research work of the teaching staff for grant funding in accordance with protocols No. 2 dated September 26, 2019 and No. 3 dated December 6, 2019. Also, as necessary, methodological and methodological assistance is provided to scientific advisers and consultants for working with undergraduates and doctoral students.