Нead of department

Sultanova Gulnar Dostanovna
Since 2006, candidate of medical sciences Sultanova Gulnar Dostanovna has been appointed dean of the faculty. Sultanova Gulnar Dostanovna graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute in 1988. In 1995, after completing her clinical residency in surgical dentistry, she began teaching at the university. In 2007 she defended her Ph.D. thesis.
Kozhanova Gulnar Rapagatovna – deputy dean;
Zhailybaev Mukhtar Sayinovich – deputy dean, candidate of medical sciences;
Ugizbaeva Botakoz Tenizbaevna – specialist of the dean’s office;
Talmuratova Guldana Alpysbaykyzy – specialist of the dean’s office.
History of creation:
In 1999, the first intake of students to the Faculty of Dentistry took place. At the origins of the organization of the faculty were the rector, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zh.A. Doskaliev and the dean of the faculty, Professor M.K. Iztleuov. 1999-2007 – the faculty was headed by Associate Professor Ph.D. A.M. Baymenov.
Rector S.F. Berkinbaev, who organized a dental clinic, made a great contribution to the development of the faculty. In 2005, 2 departments were created : surgical and orthopedic dentistry (headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor B.A. Umbetyarov ) and pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, therapeutic dentistry (head – doctor of medical sciences, associate professor B.S. Zhanalina ).
Faculty of Sanitation and Hygiene opened on April 26, 1999, Professor A was appointed dean M.K.Iztleuov a. In the same year, by order of the Ministry of Health at Aktobe State Medical Institute opened Faculty of Preventive Medicine. 1999 – 2008 – first dean, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor M.S. Kurmangazin. From 2008 to 2011 The faculty was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.M. Baymenov. In 2001, the Faculty of Pharmacy was opened. Its dean was Associate Professor M.S. Kurmangazin. Since 2007, the training of bachelor of laurels specialists in the specialty “Nursing” has been carried out and the Faculty of Public Health was opened. Since 2011, the dean’s office of the faculties of medical-preventive, pharmaceutical and public health has been created. 2011-2012 – Dean S.S. Iskakova, 2012-2013 – Dean, Candidate of Medical Sciences E.M. Iztleuov. April 17, 2014. as a result of restructuring, one structural unit was organized – the dean’s office of faculties dentistry, nursing, public health, preventive medicine and pharmacy.
Preparation of a specialist who has high-quality fundamental general professional training and is able to work in a market economy.
The Faculty is a structural unit of the University and includes 15 departments. The training of specialists is carried out in the specialties of higher education: “dentistry”, “nursing”, “public health”, “medical and preventive care” and “pharmacy”. Since the 2019 academic year, a joint educational program “IT Medicine» has been implemented on the basis of the educational program «Public Health» with the regional university named after K. Zhubanov. Also, since 2022, a joint educational program “Military Dentistry”, “Military Pharmacy” has been implemented with the Military Institute of the Air Defense Forces named after T. Ya. Bigeldinov. From 2023, a 2-degree educational program in the specialty «Public Health” with the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Today, more than 2000 students study at the faculty, including from Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan and others.
The faculty pays great attention to improving the quality of education and strengthening the practical orientation of training, through the further introduction and implementation of innovative teaching methods, including the integration of disciplines and student-centered developmental education. All collegial councils of the faculty, along with the teaching staff, include representatives of students and employers.
Today, the faculty employs over 100 teachers, of whom 10 are doctors of science, 34 candidates of medical and pedagogical sciences, 5 PhDs and 30 masters. Every year, faculty members participate in competitions and carry out grant scientific work funded by the university, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a result, the number of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and
sedateness of departments. Professor A.A. Mamyrbaev in the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was recognized in the nomination “Best Researcher – 2021 in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the head of the Department of Health Education L.S. Ermukhanova – “Best Teacher of Higher Education – 2023 in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
In the 2021-2022 academic year. at the International Online Competition on Artistic Dental Restoration, 4th year student E. Kutbangaliev won a prize (II degree diploma ), 3rd year student G. Shynbaeva became the winner in the category “Best Theoretical Knowledge” (certificate). Every year, for good academic performance and participation in the public life of the university, city and region, 8-10 students of the faculty become holders of scholarships from M. Ospanov, A. Doszhanova and the akim of the region. In 2022 3rd year student of the specialty “dentistry” I. Amirzhanov became a scholarship recipient of the N. Nazarbayev Foundation. A 2nd year student majoring in dentistry became the Bronze medalist of the World Jiu Jitsu Championship Nevaza 2022. The Chairman of the University Volunteer Club is a student of the faculty A. Erbol. Faculty graduates successfully work in large medical organizations, health departments and sanitary-epidemiological control of regions and cities, which are employers of current graduates. There are graduates who continue their studies in postgraduate education. A graduate of the specialty «Tomatology” A. Omargali, having completed his bachelor’s degree with excellent marks, successfully completed his MSc in International Heals Heidenberg University in Germany and is currently studying for a doctorate in PhD in Dentistry in University of Edinburgh in England. Graduate of the specialty ” Public Sciences” healthcare » K. Kimatova completed her master’s degree at the University College in London and is currently pursuing a doctorate.
Also, a graduate of the specialty “Public Health” K. Bukaeva, having won an educational grant, is studying for a doctorate at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland. The faculty is actively implementing the «Visiting – professor» program. Lectures and practical classes were conducted for Ph.D. E.I. Share from the Kharkov National Medical University, head of the department of palliative care at the University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, Professor K. Vecherovskaya-Tobis, Professor Peykov Slavil from Sofia University named after K. Ohridski (Bulgaria) and others. Evidence of the achievement of the goals of the faculty’s work are its leading positions in National rankings. According to the rating study of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating 2021-2022, 2022-2023 in the institutional ranking among medical universities of the RK in the areas of undergraduate specialist training – the specialties of nursing, dentistry, public health and pharmacy took 1st place.
Contact information:e-mail: stomfak@zkmu.kz
Contact phone: +7 (7132) 56-21-64
Address: Aktobe, st. Maresyeva 68, main building, room 501, 504