Lectures and classes in english

Within the framework of academic mobility, the Department of Natural Sciences was visited by Zhanylsyn Sultanova, a senior lecturer at Astana Medical University with a level of English IELTS 6.0.
The guest gave lectures and conducted practical classes on biostatistics to 3rd-year students of the International Faculty on the topics “Anova. Analysis of Variations” and “t-Student Test for Paired Samples”. During the classes, students completed tasks in Excel and Google drive programs, and feedback was provided using the Kahoot program to consolidate the topic.
A colleague from the capital visited the university museum, got acquainted with the electronic resources of the “Access Medicine” library of the Coworking center, shared her work experience.
The staff of the department, led by PhD Gulmira Zharmakhanova, wished creative success to senior lecturer of Astana Medical University Zhanylsyn Zhangeldinova and agreed on further cooperation between the universities.
Academic mobility has been planned for the 2024-2025 academic year at the Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Information Technologies of Astana Medical University.