«Үшбу хат»

A patriotic and educational event “Ushbu Hat” was held, organized by the University Museum, the editorial and publishing center and the military department, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day and the Day of the International Museum. During the celebration, the audience visited a thematic exhibition and watched a dramatization of the war.
Vice-rector for Clinical Work Nadiyar Musin, head of the military Department, retired Lieutenant Colonel Kibadat Gabdrakhmanov, retired Lieutenant Colonel of the medical service Gabit Karasaev noted that the event is of great educational importance.
Nadiyar Musin also presented a letter of Thanks on behalf of the rector of the University Asset Kaliev to retired Lieutenant Colonel, internationalist soldier Nikolai Dombrovsky, who worked at the military department for more than a quarter of a century.
The head of the museum Gaukhar Seitzhanova familiarized with the historical data stored in the valuable fund of the museum, read poems dedicated to Khalida Mamanova published in the newspaper, and the correspondent of the newspaper “Medik” Saltanat Togyzbayeva presented her work “Urpak uni”.
Throughout the educational event, university students sang patriotic songs.