Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1


Shikanova Svetlana Yurievna

PhD, Professor in the specialty “Medicine”, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1.


Priority research interests: obstetrics, gynecology, perinatology, effective perinatal technologies.

SCOPUS Author ID ID57204970118

ORCID 0000-0003-2261-4559

eLibrary SPIN 3183-0418

Scientific publications, books, monographs (number, name):

She has more than 130 scientific and printed works, 2 copyright certificates for the invention. 73 scientific papers have been published in the last 5 years.

Personnel structure:

  1. Sakieva Kanshaiym Zharasovna – Professor of the department
  2. Karimova Bakyt Zharlygapovna – Associate professor of the Department
  3. Yesenamanova Svetlana Mendigarievna – Associate professor of the Department
  4. Bekzhanova Maria Sarbayevna – assistant of the department
  5. Izgalieva Nazgul Tnyshkalievna – assistant of the department
  6. Sarsembayev Mukhit Serikbayevich – assistant of the department
  7. Mukhambetalieva Gulmira Klyshniazovna – assistant of the department
  8. Kunakov Nurlan Nagashvaevich – assistant of the department
  9. Izhanova Ainur Nagashibaevna – assistant of the department
  10. Nurmagambetova Ayagoz Abdrakhmetovna – assistant of the department
  11. Kabdygalieva Altynai Amandykovna – assistant of the department

History of creation:

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was established in 1960 at the Aktobe State Medical Institute. The first head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was Professor M.A. Bulina, who worked as a military surgeon at the hospital during the Great Patriotic War. Since 1983, Professor K.K. Kudaibergenov became the head of the department, who headed scientific research on the problems of postpartum purulent-septic diseases. Since 1995, Prof. T.M. Ukybasova has been elected head of the department. Since 2008, the head of the department has been Ph.D., Associate Professor A.B. Tusupkaliev.

By Order No. 01-07-17/32 dated 8.01.2014, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 was established by dividing the main department. Since 2014, the head of the department is PhD, Professor Svetlana Yurievna Shikanova. The teaching staff of the department has published more than 50 scientific papers, 2 patents.


There is active educational work and active participation in the life of the university and the city. In order to implement the program “HEALTH OF THE NATION – THE FUTURE OF KAZAKHSTAN”, free receptions and consultations are held by the head of the department, associate professors. Every year in October, honored employees of the department are honored.

Events dedicated to the Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan, International Students’ Day, Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Victory Day are held.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 provides highly qualified assistance to practical healthcare. The staff of the department conducts medical work on all clinical bases of the medical university. They curate hospital room, deliver babies, monitor the postpartum period, perform all obstetric and gynecological operations, all manipulations, and possess endoscopic methods of treatment. All employees of the department serve urgent calls to the maternity hospital and gynecology around the clock, on sanitation, are on duty in clinics, while they are responsible doctors on duty, work in a dispensary hospital. Medical and advisory assistance is provided to women of Aktobe region and other regions of Western Kazakhstan. The staff of the department provides and conducts curatorial work in the districts of our region.

Since 2009, the principles of effective perinatal technologies have been introduced in Kazakhstan. The faculty of the department is the coordinator of this project. The staff of the department conducts trainings and master classes in the Aktobe region.


Medical work is carried out on all issues of surgical assistance to women in critical conditions, participation in consultations and operational assistance in the full scope of obstetric and gynecological operations. Employees of the department use interactive methods of training. In order to implement distance learning on MOODLE, PLATONUS platforms, has developed electronic educational materials for students in accordance with the disciplines.

Scientific and technical projects will be implemented. The department takes active part in the Republican and International Practical conferences. With the moment of independence, the Department of education of the student scientific community.

The exciting work is carried out according to the plan. It is planned to carry out socially significant work at the Department, events, mentioned significant dates in history and traditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prevention of law and corruption.

The Department of relations under the leadership of the head of the department of Shikanova S. Yu. was organized by visiting Professor Ibrahim A. Abdelazim (Cairo, Egypt).

The work of co-workers of the department was marked by numerous awards, among them: head of the department, professor Shikanova S. Yu. awarded the medal “Honor of the city”, head of the department, professor Shikanova S. Yu. awarded the medal “Pirogov N. I.” for the development of domestic health and five-year labor for the benefit of Health in the people of Kazakhstan, associate professor of the Department Karimova B. Zh. awarded the award of “Excellence in health care”, ass. Bekzhanova M. S. medical worker day awarded the medal “Veteran of Labor”, ass. Sarsembayev M. S. awarded the medal “Excellence in health care”, ass. Sarsembayev M. S. took part in the online conference “Abzal zhandar in white coats”, organized by the research and development club “Asyl Mura”.

Head of department, professor Shikanova S. Yu., assistant Bekzhanova M. S., Sarsembayev M. S. K. 65-year university was awarded the medal “For contribution to the development of the University”. Ass. Associate Professor S. M. Yesenamanova was awarded the Medal ” Excellence in health care”.


The clinical bases of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 are: Aktobe Medical Center (villageZhana Konys), tel:8(7132)53-42-86; in the Regional Perinatal Center (Aktobe, residential area South-West-1, 471/1); Kargalinsky City Hospital (Aktobe, Kurulova str., 19), Center for Clinical Medicine of the ZKMU named afterMarata Ospanova (Aktobe, village Zhana Konys). e-mail:

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